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Banishing the Lies!!!

Writer's picture: 4NRz Chief Scribe @ S.T.E.M.4NRz Chief Scribe @ S.T.E.M.

Updated: Sep 28, 2024

The Good Friday lie:

YAHAWAHSHAH Ha'MASHIACH did not die on 'Good Friday' (a roman catholic church lie) but at the time when1 yr old lambs were being slaughtered for Pesach/Passover which has been revealed to be before sundown ... on the day of the High Shabbat ... a Wednesday. He was also buried before sundown on that very same day ... before the commencement of 'the preparation' for the Pesach/Passover feast.

Remembering the the original and true pattern for night and day, it is meant to be as follows:

Genesis 1 vs 5, 8, 13, 19, 23 & 31 confirmed this ... The evening (sundown) and then the morning (sunrise) is a day

Evening starts a new day, not 12 midnight, as popularly believed due to the lunar, Julian and Gregorian calendars. So the new day starts after sundown which is approximately around 6 pm or thereabout.

Observe the following 3 days references to MASHIACH (death, burial and resurrection) according to the these scriptures:

Matthew 12 vs 40 (Jonah)

=> Three days and nights in the belly of a great fish

Joshua 2 vs 15 - 18 (Rahab's cord)

=> the reference in vs 16 has 3 days between chebel (cord or pain = cross) from vs 15 to the tiqvah (cord or hope = resurrection) in vs 18

Psalm 22 vs 6 (Tolah worm)

=> tolah means 'scarlet' referring to crimson dye made from the cermes vermilio worm which has a 3 day lifestyle from which the crimson wax that it secretes changes to white ... see Isaiah 1 vs 18

Genesis 22 & Hebrews 11 vs 19 (Akedah)

=> The Resurrection ... I AM the Resurrection and the Life: John 11 vs 21 - 27

 ... Matthew 28 vs 5 - 6

 ... Mark 16 vs 6

 ... Luke 24 vs 6 - 7

 ... John 20 vs 8 - 9

The Gospel holds to the truth of MASHIACH's resurrection. The truth is that MASHIACH suffered, died and was buried then He was resurrected after 3 whole days and 3 whole nights. Our faith is dependent on the resurrection of MASHIACH ... Read: 1 Corinthians 15

Discarding the Lie ...

3 Days Count:

Wednesday - Thursday ... this means

... Wednesday sundown to Thursday sunrise = 1 night

Thursday - Friday  ... this means

... Thursday sunrise to Thursday sundown = 1 day;

... Thursday sundown to Friday sunrise = 1 night

Friday - Saturday  ... this means

... Friday sunrise to Friday sundown = 1 day;

... Friday sundown to Saturday sunrise = 1 night;

Saturday after the Shabbat  ... this means

... Saturday sunrise to Saturday sundown = 1 day

This equals 3 nights and 3 days

So after sundown on Saturday, after the Shabbat/Sabbath was over, YAHAWAHSHAH Ha'MASHIACH rose from the grave fulfilling what He had declared and what had been prophesied in the scriptures ... after 3 actual nights and 3 actual days

So ... Good Friday is a lie!!!

Matthew 27 vs 62 - 65 and Luke 23 vs 54 - 56 are some of many scriptures that confirmed this truth of YAHAWAHSHAH not dying on the so called good Friday. The truth remains evident to those who understand the statutes put forth by the TORAH ... to those who truly obey TORAH and observe the true Sabbath.

Be Aware:

Scripture knowledge & verse memorization is different from active Scripture revelation or illumination.


*** References:

Isaiah 2 vs 12

Isaiah 13 vs 6

Isaiah 13 vs 9

Isaiah 34 vs 8

Jeremiah 46 vs 10

Lamentations 2 vs 22

Ezekiel 13 vs 5

Ezekiel 30 vs 3

Joel 1 vs 15

Joel 2 vs 1

Joel 2 vs 11

Joel 2 vs 31

Joel 3 vs 14

Amos 5 vs 18

Amos 5 vs 20

Obadiah 1 vs 5

Zephaniah 1 vs 7

Zephaniah 1 vs 18

Zephaniah 3 vs 8

Zephaniah 2 vs 2 - 3

Zephaniah 1 vs 14

Malachi 4 vs 5

Acts 2 vs 20

1 Corinthians 5 vs 5

2 Corinthians 1 vs 14

1 Thessalonians 5 vs 23

2 Peter 3 vs 10 prefaced by 2 Peter 3 vs 8





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