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Consider This ...

Writer's picture: 4NRz Chief Scribe @ S.T.E.M.4NRz Chief Scribe @ S.T.E.M.

Updated: Mar 25, 2024

Do you know what day is the true Sabbath day?

Consider this:

Who has ascended up into heaven, or descended? who has gathered the wind in his fists? who has bound the waters in a garment? who has established all the ends of the earth? what is His name, and what is His Son's name, if you can tell? ... MISHLEI (PROVERBS) 30:4


Consider this:

Did you know that, although most people are familiar with the Bible story about Noah's Ark and that they say that the animals entered the Ark two by two, the truth about the Ark story is that Noah collected the animals in two different batches? Some animals by sevens and the others by twos?

Read Genesis chapters 6 & 7


Consider this:

Do you know why the 4th commandment instructs us to Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Qadosh or set-apart (holy)?


Consider this:

Did you know that Moshe/Moses received the 10 mitzvot on Shavuot (Pentecost)?


Consider this:

Did you know that the 7 festivals that YAHAWAH set for us to observe do not highlight the birth of MASHIACH (Christ) as the day of christmas and that both christmas and easter are pagan worship celebrations that have nothing to do with our MASHIACH?


Consider this:

Did you know that Apostle Peter/Kepha made a reference that quoted the book of Enoch? Also reference was made by Jude and by MASHIACH as well


Consider this:

Did you know there is actually a name for the very 1st church instituted on earth by MASHIACH? So! What is the name of the very 1st true and only church that Ha'MASHIACH established and left for the Apostles to preach about to the world?


Consider this: Did you know this? That YAHAWAHSHAH Ha'MASHIACH was not a Christian?


Consider this:

Did you know that though YAHAWAHSHAH Ha'MASHIACH, was called Christos due to the dominant use of Greek as the main language of that time, did you know that there were many called Christos or annointed one before Him and the term christian predates MASHIACH?


Consider this:

Did you know that the original followers of MASHIACH were not called christians but were called Natsariym instead?


Consider this: Did you know that the 1st followers of MASHIACH were not called Christians? The term Christian which started as a derogatory term that eventually became a badge of honor for the persecuted followers of MASHIACH: The Christ (a Greek word for Messiah derived from Cristos which means Annointed One ... a cult leader title of which Greece had had many of in their time). Now, in these days of the Laodecian era of the christian church, the term Christian has once again become a derogatory word (just follow the history of atrocities committed by "Christians" through the more recent centuries to now and draw your conclusion).

The way "Christians" act causes the Name of YAHAWAH to be brought to nought and repels the world from HIS Besorah & TORAH In any case, before "Christianity" became the universal identity it is today, the early followers and believers of YAHAWAHSHAH Ha'MASHIACH had a name by which they were originally identified. What was that name? What were the 1st followers of Ha'MASHIACH called by non believing jews (apart from Apostles and Disciples)?


Consider this:

Can you spot the problem here?

If I send a text to Mitchell that was meant for Michael then I start to wonder why Michael is not responding to my text


If I send thank you messages, balloons & candy to honor, convey gratitude or express special accolades for Samuel when the recipient was meant to be Samantha then I start to get frustrated when Samantha doesn't respond to any of these gestures in any way, shape or form

Think on this ... isn't the error or mistake from me? Shouldn't I find out who I should be communicating to or with prior? Shouldn't I do my research or 'due diligence' to eliminate the chance for such errors? Are we not doing the very same thing when we pray to or praise 'the LORD' each and every day? Meanwhile ABBA YAHAWAH ELOHAYNU, who is meant to be the recipient of all our prayers and praise, is being ignored in the process ... even though ABBA has told us His True Name over and over and over again in the scriptures. Are we not doing the same thing when we pray 'in Jesus name' even though His Name is not Jesus but YAHAWAHSHAH [יהושע] ... some say YAHUSHA or YEHOSHUA or YESHUA [ישוע] ... HA'MASHIACH (The MESSIAH). Jesus is just a mere and loose transliteration. It is not a direct translation. The letter "J" actually does not exist in both Hebrew and Greek plus the "J" only came into existence in the 14th & 15th century ... around 1400 to 1500 years after MASHIACH ascended to Heaven.

Now this here will totally mess with your mind in a major way and possibly even change your utterances during prayer. The issue:

Making the Name of YAHAWAH null and void or in other words, taking YAHAWAH's Name in vain. The third commandment from the Ten Commandments specifically has to do with the Name of YHWH (יהוה) ... YAHAWAH ... and showing reverence to and for His Name: Exodus 20 vs 7: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy GOD in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain. The restored verse actually reads like this:

Thou shalt not take the name of YHWH (יהוה)/YAHAWAH ELOHAYKA [your ELOHIM] in vain; for YHWH (יהוה)/YAHAWAH will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name [YAHAWAH's Name] in vain. ... Exodus 20 vs 7

The words “in vain” here have the connotation of “to make null and void” or “to bring to naught”. Dictionaries refer to the meanings of “emptiness, vanity, nothingness”. So ... In The Scriptures (Institute for Scripture Research, 2009) this commandment is translated as follows: “You do not bring the Name of YHWH (יהוה) your ELOHIM ... YAHAWAH ELOHAYKA ... to naught, for YHWH (יהוה) ... YAHAWAH ... does not leave the one unpunished who brings His Name (YAHAWAH's Name) to naught. So now these questions come to mind:

[1] In modern translations, has the Name of YAHAWAH, our Creator, when replaced with “LORD” or “Lord” not led to the fact that YAHAWAH's Name or YHWH (יהוה), the Tetragrammaton, was or has been brought to naught for many readers?

[2] Isn't a false impression created or a deceitful concealment evident concerning the Name of YHWH (יהוה) ... YAHAWAH ... when LORD is used for His Name in the KJV or the NIV or other translations?

[3] Does it not make you wonder, now, who or what you have been praying to all these years and why the power of YAHAWAH's true Name is not made manifest today?

[4] Also what is the true name of YAHAWAH's Son?

You can meditate on these questions.

Why was YAHAWAH's Name replaced in the Bible?!! Ever wondered?! So ... Why was YAHAWAH's Name (some say YEHOVAH or YAHUAH or YAHWEH but seen most often and originally as YHWH [יהוה] in the scriptures) replaced in the Bible with the word LORD?!!

Especially since the Hebrew translation of the word lord is ba'al

יהושע המשיח הוא יהוה


Ponder on this ...


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