Let there be light (יהי אור) ~ ihi or ... Fiat Lux The Hebrew alphabet (Hebrew: אָלֶף־בֵּית עִבְרִי,[a] Alefbet ... ivri), known variously by scholars as the Ktav Ashuri, Jewish script, square script and block script, is an abjad script used in the writing of the Hebrew language and other Jewish languages, most notably Yiddish, Judeo-Spanish, Judeo-Arabic and Judeo-Persian. It is an offshoot of the Imperial Aramaic alphabet, which flourished during the Achaemenid Empire and which itself derives from the Phoenician alphabet. The Phoenician alphabet is an alphabet (more specifically, an abjad)[3] known in modern times from the Canaanite and Aramaic inscriptions found across the Mediterranean region. An abjad (/ˈæbdʒæd/) is ...
[1] A type of writing system in which (in contrast to true alphabets) each symbol or glyph stands for a consonant, in effect leaving it to readers to infer or otherwise supply an appropriate vowel. The term is a neologism introduced in 1990 by Peter T. Daniels.
[2] Other terms for the same concept include: partial phonemic script, segmentally linear defective phonographic script, consonantary, consonant writing and consonantal alphabet. So-called impure abjads represent vowels with either optional diacritics, a limited number [specify] of distinct vowel glyphs, or both. The name abjad is based on the Arabic alphabet's first (in its original order) four letters — corresponding to a, b, j, d — to replace the more common terms "consonantary" and "consonantal alphabet", in describing the family of scripts classified as "West Semitic." The name "abjad" (abjad أبجد) is derived from pronouncing the first letters of the Arabic alphabet order, in its original order. This ordering matches that of the older Phoenician, Hebrew and Semitic proto-alphabets: specifically, aleph, bet, gimel, dalet.
The Hebrew Alphabet ... א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ, ך ל מ, ם נ, ן ס ע פ, ף צ, ץ ק ר ש ת ==============================================================
Gematria Associations (Numeric Values): 1: [א] - Aleph 2: [ב] - Bet 3: [ג] - Gimmel 4: [ד] - Dalet 5: [ה] - He 6: [ו] - Waw 7: [ז] - Zayin 8: [ח] - Chet 9: [ט] - Tet 10: [י] - Yod 20: [כ] - Kaf 30: [ל] - Lamed 40: [מ] - Mem 50: [נ] - Nun 60: [ס] - Samekh 70: [ע] - Ayin 80: [פ] - Pe 90: [צ] - Tsadi 100: [ק] - Kof 200: [ר] - Resh 300: [ש] - Shin 400: [ת] - Tav #################################################################
################################################################# Gematria Associations (Numeric Values) & Representations/Meanings: 1 ... Aleph [א] = 1 ~ Leader 2 ... Bet [ב] = 2 ~ House 3 ... Gimmel [ג] = 3 ~ Lift up 4 ... Dalet [ד] = 4 ~ Door 5 ... He [ה] = 5 ~ Window to Reveal/Window of Revelation 6 ... Waw/Vav [ו] = 6 ~ Connection/Naịl 7 ... Zayin [ז] = 7 ~ Weapon/Sword 8 ... Chet [ח] = 8 ~ Fence/Protection 9 ... Tet [ט] = 9 ~ Surround 10 ... Yod [י] = 10 ~ Hand/Arm/Closed Hand 11 ... Kaf [כ] = 20 : Kaf Sofit [ך] ~ Palm of the Hand/Open Hand <-- * 12 ... Lamed [ל] = 30 ~ Shepherd's Staff/Staff of Authority 13 ... Mem [מ] = 40 : Mem Sofit [ם] ~ Water <-- * 14 ... Nun [נ] = 50 : Nun Sofit [ן] ~ Life <-- * 15 ... Samekh [ס] = 60 ~ Uphold/Sustain 16 ... Ayin [ע] = 70 ~ Eye 17 ... Pe [פ] = 80 : Peh Sofit [ף] ~ Mouth/Face <-- * 18 ... Tsadi [צ] = 90 : Tsadi Sofit [ץ] ~ Righteous <-- * 19 ... Kof [ק] = 100 ~ Person 20 ... Resh [ר] = 200 ~ Head 21 ... Shin [ש] = 300 ~ Consuming Fire 22 ... Tav [ת] = 400 ~ Covenant :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Gematria Associations (Numeric Values) & Representations/Meanings with Symbolisms: Aleph: 1 ... A picture of the Ox in Paleo-Hebrew. Aleph means the strong Leader or ELOHIYM the Father ---> then 1 symbolizes: unity or deity which stands for ELOHIYM the Father (whatever the charges are that are taking place, they are being done by ELOHIYM the Father) Bet: 2 ... A picture of the tent or the floor plan of the tent in Paleo-Hebrew. Bet means the house, the family, the dwelling place, in or inside and is the 1st letter in the Torah ... It identifies the Son of ELOHIYM ---> then 2 symbolizes: division, the difference between good and evil, to come alongside to help or hinder and the Son of ELOHIYM (dual nature***) Gimmel : 3 ... A picture of a camel in Paleo-Hebrew. Gimmel means to lift up/lift up the name of YAHAWAH ---> then 3 symbolizes: divine perfection in RUACH ELOHIYM, in RUACH HA'QODESH Dalet: 4 ... A picture of a door in Paleo-Hebrew. Dalet means a doorway or a place of decision that can lead to life or death. ---> then 4 symbolizes: the creation or creative works of ELOHIYM He: 5 ... A picture of a man looking up or with outstretched arms to the heavens in Paleo-Hebrew. He means to look, to behold or to pay attention to what follows (because something is about to be revealed) ---> then 5 symbolizes: the Goodness, the Grace or the unmerited favor of ELOHIYM Waw: 6 ... A picture of a wooden hook or a peg or an iron nail in Paleo-Hebrew. Waw means to join or bind together ---> then 6 symbolizes: the enmity that man has with ELOHIYM Zayin: 7 ... A picture of a harvesting tool or sword in Paleo-Hebrew. Zayin means to cut or cut off, to prune or to harvest ---> then 7 symbolizes: spiritual perfection Chet: 8 ... A picture of a fence in Paleo-Hebrew. Chet means to separate, to cut off, a private place, a place of refuge, a sanctuary or an inner room ---> then 8 symbolizes: a new beginning Tet: 9 ... A picture of a coiled snake in Paleo-Hebrew. Tet means to surround, to encircle, to ensnare, to entwine or to entrap. ---> then 9 symbolizes: the evaluation of man resulting in judgment and the conclusion of a matter Yod:10 ... A picture of the hand or arm in Paleo-Hebrew. Yod means a mighty deed or work. ---> then 10 symbolizes: things ordained in Heaven, this will be the plan of ELOHIYM Kaf: 20 ... A picture of the palm of the hand in Paleo-Hebrew. Kaf means to cover, open, allow or to atone ---> then 20 symbolizes: redemption and salvation Lamed: 30 ... A picture of the shepherd's staff in Paleo-Hebrew. Lamed means to control, to have authority or the voice of authority. ---> then 30 symbolizes: the Blood of Christ or the blood of sacrifice Mem: 40 ... A picture of water (either gentle or troubled) in Paleo-Hebrew. Mem means the living water or the Word of ELOHIYM that brings life ---> then 40 symbolizes: trials or testing that will be followed by renewal Nun: 50 ... A picture of the fish or sprout in Paleo-Hebrew. Nun means life or activity. ---> then 50 symbolizes: the RUACH HA'QODESH and deliverance followed by rest Samekh: 60 ... A picture of the prop in Paleo-Hebrew. Samekh means to prop up, support, assist or twist slowly. ---> then 60 symbolizes: pride Ayin: 70 ... A picture of the eye in Paleo-Hebrew. Ayin means to see, to experience or to know. ---> then 70 symbolizes: perfect spiritual order carried out with all spiritual power and significance Pe: 80 ... A picture of the open mouth in Paleo-Hebrew. Pe means to speak. ---> then 80 symbolizes: new birth, beginning and eternal life Tsadi: 90 ... A picture of the fish hook in Paleo-Hebrew. Tsadi means to need or to have strong desire. ---> then 90 symbolizes: the combination ordinal perfection and the Judgement of man Kof:100 ... A picture of the back of the head in Paleo-Hebrew. Kof means behind, the least or the last. ---> then 100 symbolizes: election (choosing of the elect) or the children of promise Resh: 200 ... A picture of the head in Paleo-Hebrew. Resh stands for Leader, Master, the highest or the Prince ---> then 200 symbolizes: the insufficiency of man vs the complete sufficiency of ELOHIYM Shin: 300 ... A picture of teeth in Paleo-Hebrew. Shin means to consume, to crush, to press or to destroy. It is the the one letter that YAHAWAH ELOHAYNU used to identify himself. ---> then 300 symbolizes: an divinely appointed time that is connected to the children of promise Tav: 400 ... A picture of crossed wooden sticks or a cross in Paleo-Hebrew. Tav means a sign, to Seal or to Covenant ---> then 400 symbolizes: a divinely ordained period of time that will bring about deliverance and renewal