What interesting connection is there from Genesis 14 vs 18 to Genesis 40 through to the last supper (Luke 22) and to 1 Corinthians 11 vs 24 - 25?
Bread and wine ...
This connecting thread touches many scriptures from Genesis, the Psalms, the Gospels, Acts, Corinthians, Ephesians to Hebrews in some form or fashion as they all point to MASHIACH, our High Priest, according to the Order of ...
Melchizedek = King of Righteousness
Melek Zadakah = Righteousness King or King of Righteousness
Melkot Zadakah = Kings of Righteousness
Malchut Zadakah = Kingdom of Righteousness
Melek Ha'Melekiym = King of Kings
Secundum ordinem Melchizedek = The Order of Melchizedek
Genesis 14 vs 18: King of Righteousness and King of Peace
Psalm 110 vs 1 - 4
Melchizedek and Abram:
Melchizedek, meaning King of Righteousness, was the King of Salem (King of Peace)
Melchizedek brought bread and wine
Revealed EL ELYON as possessor of Heaven & Earth and the reason for Abram's victory
Saved Abram from covetousness and bride with this revelation
Received a tithe of all the spoils from Abram (from Levi as well)
About the Order of Melchizedek:
The end of the True Levitical High Priest position takes place in 164 BC.
The High Priest of EL ELYON (the Most High EL) was of the lineage in the Order of Melchizedek that predates Abram and his descendants.
The true HIGH PRIEST, in the Order of Melchizedek, which resumed at a certain point with MASHIACH, going forward, was not a High Priesthood from the lineage of Aaron nor of the Levites either.
But before MASHIACH arrived on the scene, changes and corruption set in which ended the Aaronic bloodline priesthood, to be replaced by others, even foreigners (Edomites or Greeks) though the institution remained:
In 164 BC >>> Menelaus becomes High Priest, installed by Antiochus IV, hence ending the true Levitical priesthood. Antiochus IV deposed Onias 1st and had Onias' brother, Jason (Joshua), installed in his place. Then Jason was eventually deposed by Antiochus IV, and Menelaus was subsequently installed. Menelaus was not a Levite.
Study of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7)
Hebrews 7 vs 1 - 3 ... Description of Melchizedek
---> ... 'without father, without mother, without genealogy, having neither beginning of days nor end of life, but made like the Son of God, remains a priest continually'
Hebrews 7 vs 4 - 10 ... Order of Melchizedek is greater than Levitical priesthood
---> ... Abraham, and Levi through Abraham, paid tithes of the spoils of battle to Melchizedek
Hebrews 7 vs 13 - 17 ... Priest forever
Matthew 6 vs 33 ... Kingdom & Righteousness
Galatians 3 vs 6... Belief onto Righteousness
Isaiah 66
John 12 vs 37 --> Isaiah 53 vs 1 & Isaiah 6 vs 10
Romans 10 vs 4
Romans 5 vs 14 ... Death reigned from Adam to Mosheh until the final High Priest YAHAWAHSHAH Ha'MASHIACH ... in the Order of Melchizedek.
1st Peter 1 vs 10
1st Peter 2 vs 9 ... A chosen generation, a Royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people
---> Zadokite priests
Exodus 19 vs 5
Revelation 1 vs 6
Revelation 5 vs 10
The 1st verse of Psalm 110 is actually quoted 25 times in the New Testament including:
Matthew 22 vs 41 - 45
Mark 14 vs 62
Luke 22 vs 69
Acts 2 vs 34 - 35
Acts 7 vs 55 - 56
Romans 8 vs 34
Ephesians 1 vs 20
Colossians 3 vs 1
Hebrews 1 vs 3
Hebrews 1 vs 13
Hebrews 5 vs 6
Hebrews 6 vs 20
Hebrews 7 vs 21
Hebrews 8 vs 1
Hebrews 10 vs 12 - 13
1 Peter 3 vs 22
While the 4th verse is quoted 4 times ... Hebrews 10 has the 4 allusions or references
The King (who HE is & His Heart ... His plans of Mercy & Love toward us)
Who is He?
... Declared King/Declared a King at birth:
-----> Isaiah 9 vs 6 - 7: unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given ...
-----> Matthew 1 vs 1: genealogy of YAHAWAHSHAH
-----> Matthew 2 vs 1 - 11: Magi account with YAHAWAHSHAH & Herod
-----> Luke 1 vs 31 - 33: King on David's throne ... Kingdom shall never end
-----> John 1 vs 1 - 18: as in Bereshiyt (also directly in Bereshiyt [Genesis] 1 vs 1)
*... Later:~
-----> Matthew 27 vs 37: King of the Jews
-----> Mark 15 vs 26: King of the Jews
-----> Luke 23 vs 38: King of the Jews
-----> John 19 vs 19: King of the Jews
-----> Revelation 1 vs 5: Prince of the kings of the Earth
-----> Revelation 19 vs 16: King of Kings
*... Also declared the son of YAHAWAH EL ELYON
-----> Matthew 3 vs 17: This is My beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased
-----> Matthew 17 vs 5: This is My beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased
-----> Mark 1 vs 11: THOU art My beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased
-----> Luke 1 vs 32: Son of the Highest ...
-----> Luke 2 vs 8 - 20: Isaiah 9 vs 6-7 referred here
-----> Luke 2 vs 25 - 39: further confirmed Luke 2 vs 8 - 20 (Simeon/Anna)
-----> John 1 vs 1 - 18 (The Word is declared GOD/Son of GOD): Bereshiyt
*... Also declared the Lamb of YAHAWAH
-----> John 1 vs 29: Declared Lamb of YAHAWAH
-----> John 1 vs 36: Declared Lamb of YAHAWAH
*... Later:~
-----> Luke 23 vs 46: Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit
-----> Mark 15 vs 39: Centurion confesses YAHAWAHSHAH as Son of GOD
-----> John 20 vs 17: I ascend unto My Father ...
-----> Luke 24 vs 13 - 31: Road to Emmaus (explains/reveals Himself in Torah)
-----> Hebrews 1 vs 5: For unto which of the angels said he at any time, Thou art my Son
-----> Revelation 1 vs 5 - 8: Prince of kings/Alpha & Omega/Almighty & Son (vs 6)
... Baptism to confirm Him as the King of Righteousness:
-----> Matthew 3 vs 13 - 17: Baptized hence fulfilling all Righteousness ...
-----> Mark 1 vs 9 - 11: Baptism
-----> Luke 3 vs 21 - 22: Baptism
-----> John 1 vs 29 - 34: Baptism
... Transfers High Priest position to YAHAWAHSHAH like the Order of MELCHIZEDEK*:
»»» this ends the illegitimate High Priest's office and the Levitical Priesthood also «««
-----> Leviticus 5: Trespass offering oath ...
-----> Leviticus 10 vs 6: Consequences of rending priestly garment (warning)
-----> Leviticus 21 vs 10: Do not rend priestly garment (instructions)
-----> Matthew 26 vs 62 - 66: Art thou HA'MASHIACH ... ? (leads to rent garment)
-----> Mark 14 vs 60 - 64: Art thou HA'MASHIACH ... ? (leads to rent garment)
* ... transferred from High Priest Caiaphas who rent the priestly garment after Trespass offering oath answer from YAHAWAHSHAH hence nullifying high priest office of Caiaphas and Levites which is then bestowed upon Him. Then MASHIACH is referred to as or Declared High Priest/Our High Priest
-----> Hebrews 9 vs 11: MASHIACH as High Priest
-----> Hebrews 4 vs 14 - 16: A great High Priest in Heaven
-----> Hebrews 2 vs 17: Faithful High Priest
-----> Hebrews 7 vs 21: Priest according to the Order of MELCHIZEDEK
... Officiates his sacrifice/the passover sacrifice of his own death as High Priest:
-----> John 19 vs 27 - 30: It is finished (knowing all things were accomplished)
-----> John 20 vs 17: I ascend unto My Father ...
-----> Luke 23 vs 46: Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit
-----> Hebrews 9 vs 11 - 15: High Priest presents His Blood in Heaven
-----> Hebrews 9 vs 18 - 28: Hebrews 9 vs 11 - 15 explained further
... What is His Heart towards us?
For YAHAWAH so loved the world, that he gave his yachiyd, that whosoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. (JOHN 3:16)
YAHAWAHSHAH answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will guard my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him. (JOHN 14:23)
YAHAWAH not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 PETER 3:9)
-----> Love
-----> Relationship
-----> Protection
Bread & Wine ...
Matthew 26
1 Corinthians 11
John 6
YAHAWAHSHAH is the Bread of Life from EL ELYON and those who believe him have eternal life.
»»» His Table (His Gift of Communion, His abundant provisions & our sustenance ) »»»
YAHAWAHSHAH ... FINAL High Priest according to the Order of MELCHIZEDEK