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Sycamore Tree

The Sycamore Tree ... 


A fig-mulberry tree that has a dual nature as a fig tree and a mulberry tree. A tree that, in Israel, signifies regeneration or rebirth. A tree that has plenty of important qualities from its 'HEART Shaped' leaves and its extensive fragrant shade-giving capabilities, to the use of its strong wood for construction (just to name a few of its many benefits). It is a tree with fruit that is so delectable yet so delicate it is destroyed so easily by frost. A tree whose fruit grows straight from the tree trunk, hence readily yielding itself up freely to all mankind. A tree whose fruit most significantly must be mutilated first before it can be consumed. A tree that the Prophet Amos had tended as his original employment. A tree that King David placed a special overseer to take care of and protect due to its importance ... an importance that was similar to that of the Olive tree in Israel. A tree whose descriptions so far bear an uncanny resemblance to the Old Testament Scriptures that all point to the nature of YAHAWAHSHAH the MESSIAH (YAHAWAHSHAH Ha'MASHIACH) and to our King's perfect sacrifice.


Then, ultimately, the Scriptures tell us that the Sycamore tree is the tree that Zacchaeus climbed to see YAHAWAHSHAH (while avoiding the crowd). Zacchaeus sat upon a SYCAMORE TREEBRANCH to await the arrival of the Master, YAHAWAHSHAH, to be sure that he caught even as much as a mere glimpse when YAHAWAHSHAH passed by. And it is the very tree that YAHAWAHSHAH chose to stop under to meet Zacchaeus face-to-face, instead of passing right on by. That is where YAHAWAHSHAH called Zacchaeus to come down from as He had decided to spend the day at Zacchaeus' house ... to visit and to dine with Zacchaeus ... to touch the life of Zacchaeus and change it forever. That is precisely where Zacchaeus met our MESSIAH YAHAWAHSHAH. Indeed a rebirth of sorts.


​That is the Sycamore tree.


SYCAMORE TREEBRANCH EVANGELISM MINISTRIES [S.T.E.M.] extends Love to all and invites you to come and sit with us, to wait with us, to meet with our King & MESSIAH YAHAWAHSHAH today with us. Perhaps you may discover the Peace that passes all understanding as you sit with us and learn to wait upon our King. And as we wait, we learn to listen, to be still, and know that HE IS ELOHIM (Psalm 46 vs 10). We desire, passionately, to reach out to the world around us, every single day, with the Good News of MESSIAH Crucified and MESSIAH Glorified, through love infused evangelism, in obedience to our King. We truly delight in striving to inspire all to honor our MESSIAH with your life & talents, to always seek the face of our King YAHAWAHSHAH every day, and at all times to love & give Him thanks in all things so that you can immensely enjoy the presence of our King for all of your days because:


" ... in His presence is fullness of joy and at His Right Hand are pleasures forevermore" (Psalm 16 vs 11)    


Come experience the Love of our MESSIAH YAHAWAHSHAH. Your life will never be the same.



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